Sunny Thinking raise over £1,700.00 for the Stroke Association
by Sunny Thinking
Sunny Thinking has raised over £1,700.00 for the Stroke Association after taking part in 10 charity challenges throughout 2018 to mark our 10th birthday.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
With the amazing generosity of those who have supported us this year, we're delighted to announce we've raised over £1,700.00 for the Stroke Association.
Each year, our team donate time and a percentage of our profits to a chosen charity and for 2018 Sunny Thinking chose the Stroke Association. For myself, I've witnessed first-hand the devastation the condition can cause after my amazing sister-in-law suffered a severe stroke at the age of 41. It just made sense to choose the Stroke Association for this year’s charity as it’s a cause very close to my heart and one that we were eager to support.
To coincide with our tenth birthday we decided to do ten different events and activities. As a team, we’ve done everything from a sponsored silence and bake-off. To slightly more challenging things, like Tough Mudder and the Manchester to Blackpool Bike Ride. We’ve climbed Snowdon and even got the kids up Kinder Scout. The one I’m most proud of is doing the Leicester half marathon with my mum, who is 75 years old and a bit of a speed demon.
The original target was £1,000.00 so we’re delighted to have smashed that.
Over the last decade, on top of our charity work, we've developed an award-winning reputation for our advertising, branding, design and marketing work. We've enjoyed relationships with a wide range of clients including the NHS, buzz Manchester Health & Wellbeing Service, GreaterSport, Making Space, Manchester Metropolitan University, Lancashire Wildlife Trust, Ombudsman Services, Unitron, Xercise4Less, Mornflake Cereals and Soreen.
Looking ahead to 2019 and beyond the agency is excited about the future and continuing the award-winning work we create for family focussed brands and businesses and with organisations in the health and wellbeing sectors. It’s been an amazing first 10 years. I’m really proud of what we’ve achieved. We’ve got lots of things to announce early next year too. The future looks exciting.
Thanks so much everyone.