Celebrating 15 years of Sunny Thinking
by Sunny Thinking
We’re celebrating 15 years of award-winning advertising, branding, creative, design and marketing… now that’s Sunny Thinking!

Back in 2008 I decided to go for it and set up Sunny Thinking. Some thought I was mad as it was in the height of a recession and I’d also just become a dad. Others thought I was brave and encouraged me big time from the get go. If I’m honest I was in pure ‘what the heck’ mode back then and flew by the seat of my pants. I probably only intended ‘doing’ Sunny Thinking for five years, but here we are today 15 years later and still ‘going’ strong. Time flies when you’re having fun!
I remember those early days vividly. The uncertainty of what was round the corner. A desk in the loft, laptop, a contacts book (rolodex full of business cards to be exact) and a phone. Away I went like a new kid starting school with the encouragement of my amazing wife Helen ringing in my ears! It only seems like yesterday experiencing the excitement of invoicing Sunny Thinking’s first ever job to AQA Examination Board and picking up some amazing new clients such as Sportswear International and Ombudsman Services. I’ll be eternally gratefully to those wonderful folk for putting their faith in Sunny Thinking. It was brilliant to be a part of their growth as businesses and play a part in their success for a number of years.
Over time our reputation has grown and grown and the clients list has grown and grown too. We’ve worked with some awesome brands such as Mornflake and Soreen as well as organisations as diverse as the Wildlife Trust, GreaterSport, GMMoving and many businesses and charities too from many different sectors. We’ve proudly won awards for our projects for the likes of Manchester Metropolitan University, Making Space, Regenda Group, William Turner and the NHS. The impact our work has had for our clients is ultimately the most important reason for our existence but we’d be telling porkies if we didn’t admit to loving the recognition those prestigious accolades have given. Yes we do have egos that need a bit of a polish from time to time!
One thing I’m particularly proud of is no matter the challenges that have been thrown at us over the years we’ve been agile, resilient and adaptable to change. I’m incredibly proud of the team that has worked with me over the years including our close partners and external suppliers. All singing in unison from the same hymn sheet. I’m also incredibly proud that Sunny Thinking has stayed true to our values and vision… it’s not become ‘another’ generic agency… we’ve always had our own ethos and philosophy way before it became trendy to adopt one!
We’ve seen many changes over the years, that’s even before you throw a Global Pandemic, Brexit, War and Cost of Living Crisis in the mix. The creative marketing industry itself has been transformed beyond all recognition since 2008 and continues to change rapidly day by day. But despite the spin of latest trends and marketing fads, one thing that remains consistent is the need for clever ideas to cut through the noise. That’s where we still come in. Playing on our passion, experience and proven expertise… playing on 15 years of award-winning advertising, branding, creative, design and marketing.
So, a massive thank you to everyone who has been a part of Sunny Thinking for the last fifteen years. The team throughout the years, clients, partners, suppliers, family and friends… a big thank you to you all. Fifteen years is something we’re going to celebrate for sure.
JR & Co.