Sunny Thinking for mental health
by Sunny Thinking
We’re using our award-winning creative marketing expertise to help when it comes to mental health.

We’re proud to share two recent projects we’ve created around mental health; our annual report design for Making Space and branding for the Myplace ecotherapy project for our new client, The Lancashire Wildlife Trust.
Ecotherapy with Lancashire Wildlife Trust
We’re incredibly excited to be working with Lancashire Wildlife Trust. With our experience in health and wellbeing marketing and our passion for wildlife and the environment, Sunny Thinking was delighted to be approached to develop the branding for their Myplace project - an innovative ecotherapy project delivered in partnership with the Lancashire Care NHS Trust. The project empowers young people, adults and their communities to connect with local environments in order to learn new skills, build resilience and improve physical health and mental wellbeing.

A year of change for Making Space
We’re also delighted to have just designed the latest annual report for Making Space which tells the story from their last twelve months and how they continue to make a difference to so many people. It’s the first annual report in their new brand style we’ve created for them.

Why is mental health so important to us at Sunny Thinking?
So why do we have a passion for working in this area? Well, we all have times when we might feel down, agitated, worried, stressed or frightened. Most of the time those feelings pass. But sometimes they can develop into more serious problems and that could happen to any one of us.
According to the Mental Health Foundation, every week, 1 in 6 adults experiences a common mental health problem, such as anxiety or depression.
In the workplace, their research suggests mental health problems are the leading cause of sickness absence. A staggering 70 million work days are lost each year due to mental health problems in the UK, costing employers approximately £2.4 billion per year.
Unfortunately, there’s still often a stigma attached to mental health problems. This means that people feel uncomfortable about them and don’t talk about them much. Many people don’t even feel comfortable talking about their feelings. But it’s healthy to know and say how you’re feeling.
It’s also important to remember everyone is different. Everyone has their own personal trigger points. Some people bounce back from a setback while others may feel weighed down by it for what seems like an eternity. Your mental health doesn’t always stay the same either. It can change as your personal circumstances change and as you move through different stages of your life.
On the upside, if you’re in good mental health, you can make the most of your life and play a full part in your family, workplace, community and among friends.
Some people call mental health ‘emotional health’ or ‘wellbeing’ and it’s just as important as good physical health.
Sunny Thinking is about having fun with your family and friends, making the most out of life and looking on the bright side. We want everyone to live longer, healthier, fairer and have more fun lives.
In an increasingly fact paced digital age where too many folk spend wayyyyyyyy too long online, heads down on their mobile phones, obsessed with checking their social media posts and overwhelmed by highly manufactured profiles - there’s worrying evidence that mental health problems are on the increase due to the growing pressures of such online activity. Here at Sunny Thinking we’re big believers in being true and authentic to yourself and to others. Sunny Thinking is all about the power of positive thinking. It’s also about kindness, warmth, friendship, being caring, being approachable, being genuine, being active – we have true human values at our core.
Sunny Thinking is more than just a creative marketing agency... it’s a unique mindset... a philosophy... a culture... an attitude... a way of thinking... a way of living... a lifestyle for wellbeing. In fact, here at Sunny Thinking, we think wellbeing is the measure of success.
Our pedigree working in mental health
Over the last decade we have used our passion for shared wellbeing and our award-winning creative marketing expertise to support an abundance of clients who are helping improve people’s mental health. Clients such as GreaterSport who use the power of physical activity to help improve people’s wellbeing through to buzz, Manchester Health & Wellbeing Service (NHS) and Making Space, the health and social care charity, who both do so much wonderful work to help people with their mental health in their day to day lives.
Mental health is everyone’s business and we’re making it our business.
Thanks for reading.