BST, Busy Summer Time
by Sunny Thinking
It’s official, we wanted to rebrand this years British Summer Time (BST) as Busy Summer Time or maybe on a wave of overindulgence and self-confidence, Brilliant Sunny Thinking?!

We’ve been so busy working with our lovely clients on some amazing projects we’ve neglected sharing any Sunny Thinking news with you recently. One minute we’re celebrating our 15th birthday and then hey presto, BST is over and we’re putting the clocks back, drinking pumpkin lattes and getting ready for Fireworks! Yes, yes, we know all about content planning and should practice what we preach - we hear you!
Right, so what’s been going on @sunnythinking? For starters, we’re delighted to be working with a raft of new clients such as Chadwick Teamwear and Chadwick Textiles. More on their exciting projects in the coming months. We’ve also been developing a new brand identity for OSL Consulting Engineers and recently designed and launched their new website.

These are just a couple of the new clients we’ve teamed up with in 2023 as well as others including Think Therapy and Optimum Life. We’ll be announcing more new client wins and projects in the next few weeks.
Another project we can share is for one of our long-term existing clients, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Trust. We’re proud to have worked with them and refreshed designs of all 12 of our previous award-winning mental health self-help guides.

We’ve also been incredibly busy working behind the scenes reinvigorating the branding of one of our other favourite clients. There's much more to showcase when we're allowed to; Packaging work, branding, website design, digital campaigns, literature design ... all will be revealed!
Right, that’s it for now. We will get better at keeping in touch, promise! All’s good as they say, in fact all’s positively Sunny Thinking!
And don’t forget to give us a shout if you’re in planning mode for 2024 and looking for some help with your advertising, branding, creative, design and marketing.