Sunny Thinking Review of 2014
by Sunny Thinking
Season's Greetings everyone. We’re getting in the festive spirit over here @sunnythinkinghq and winding down by reflecting on the last 12 months.

What’s been your favourite campaign this year?
Away from Sunny Thinking we keep our eyes on the bigger picture too. There’s been some great campaigns this year. Does anything beat the Ice Bucket challenge - but can you remember why it all started? Who would be your top of the campaign charts? Check out Marketing Week’s Top Campaign List for 2014. Would Lego, Adidas and Lidl make your cut too? What about top of the flops? Who would you give a big thumbs down to? If we’re feeling all festive, what about the best Christmas campaign? Looks like the stats say Sainsbury’s are pipping John Lewis to the post this yuletide in terms of engagement!
New branding, website and now we’ve got the t-shirts!
We spend most of our time making our clients happy but this year we managed to squeeze in giving ourselves our very own Sunny Thinking facelift. Our new branding and a fancy pants new responsive website was a chance for us to celebrate our growth over our first 6 years and show everyone how we’ve grown up a little. We’ve even got our own t-shirts so if you’re a ‘sunny thinker’ and like looking on the bright side why not buy one! Have you watched our little video as well? What do you think of our new look?
Awards for the trophy cabinet
It’s always good to win a few awards. It’s hard graft this creative marketing lark so it’s great to get some recognition for us and our clients – it makes us very proud of the sunny side! This year our work for Soreen and Ombudsman Services scooped two awards.
Sunny Thinking clients and work
One more thing we’re really proud of over @sunnythinkinghq is that clients come to us and stay with us for a long, long time. We’re not a quick fix, in and out type of agency. We love nothing better than getting to know you and developing long-term relationships. As a small agency we’re also very precious too – everything we do has our ‘Sunny Thinking’ stamp on it. Our clients range from long-term ones like Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust through to exciting new ones like GreaterSport and The Regenda Group. And by the way – watch this space for 2015 as there’s some really, really exciting stuff being worked on. Check out our work.
Sunny Thinking Foundation
Yep, we practice what we preach. Every year we give a percentage of our time and efforts supporting charities and good causes. This year our main charity was the Children’s Adventure Farm Trust. As well as our marketing support we also got dressed up in lycra for our big bike ride up in Yorkshire. A massive thank you to everyone who supported us and helped us raise over £1,700.00. Read more about our charity work here.
What’s in store for 2015?
Oh my gosh my golly, no sooner do we wrap things up for Christmas - another year will soon be upon us. What have you got planned for 2015? Need any help? There's many projects underway here @sunnythinkinghq and 2015 already looks like it could be a cracker - but there's always room at the Sunny Thinking Inn!!!
Thanks to all our clients, suppliers and friends. Have a fantastic Christmas everyone and all the best for the New Year.
Jonathan and the team @sunnythinkinghq
Posted by Sunny Thinking Managing Director, Jonathan Reed.