Sunny Thinking has a new home
by Sunny Thinking
The swanky signs are now up and stationery is being printed so it must be official – Sunny Thinking has moved to a new office in the heart of lovely Altrincham. We thought it seemed like a clever idea to start the New Year.

Our new address is:
Grosvenor House,
22 Grafton Street,
Altrincham, Cheshire,
WA14 1DU.
Our new phone number is:
0161 928 5704
Emails, mobile numbers, Skype and all that social media jazz are the same.
So please update your little book of best contacts as well as that online version too naturally and under award-winning creative marketing put a few big fat juicy hash tags with our Sunny Thinking splat on it! #altrincham #advertising #branding #design #marketing #digital
Hello Altrincham. Hello new neighbours. It’s great to be here! #sunnythinkingaltrincham
P.S. apologies for the blatant overuse of hashtags – must be the festive overindulgence still kicking about. It won’t happen again.
Blog posted by Katie Perkins – Sunny Thinking Account Executive