Sunny Thinking Ecoffee Cups
by Sunny Thinking
We enjoy a good brew on the go as much as anyone, but we love them even more in our new range of natural reusable Ecoffee cups!

Why on earth Sunny Thinking Ecoffee cups?
My golly gosh we're a wasteful lot at times. Sometimes I hang my head in shame when chatting to the little Eco Warriors at the local Primary School. I like to think I'm pretty good when it comes to doing my best for the environment, but they could teach us all a thing or two about reducing, reusing and recycling! We're hopefully all getting better I guess - although I can't help think my Gran would laugh her socks off at 'bags for life' being what they did in the good old days and we should just stop being such a bunch of wasters! Bottled water, wonky veg, food waste - don't get me started - I feel a Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall moment coming on!
Now let's talk coffee. By jiminy are we a bunch of bean lovers these days! Trouble is, each year over 100 billion single-use cups end up in landfill. It's a big problem, and something we decided it was time to do something about. When we're out and about and fancy a cheeky hot drink, instead of buying one in a throwaway cup, we've now got our very own range of Sunny Thinking Ecoffee cups.
A natural reusable coffee cup
We searched long and hard to find a fantastic eco-friendly cup that we'd be proud to put our name to and show off around the wonderful coffee shops of Altrincham and beyond. We're chuffed to bits with our Ecoffee cups - a natural reusable coffee cup.
If you buy one and join us on our little crusade you'll not only help #stopthebillion, you'll also be drinking from a natural product made one from one of the world's most sustainable resources - naturally organic, rapidly renewable bamboo fibre. Now how's that for another clever idea from Sunny Thinking even if we do say so ourselves? And better still - they don't half look pretty cool. Chai lattes and mochas have never tasted so good let me tell you!
What's this got to do with creative marketing?
Now some of you might be thinking this has diddly squat to do with marketing and I should get off my soapbox and stick to the day job. But do you know what - it feels pretty good knowing we're doing our little bit even when enjoying a coffee. At the end of the day, this is also what we're about. Sunny Thinking is more than just any bog standard agency. We like to think we're a pretty nice bunch of people and that you might like to work with us.
Want a Sunny Thinking Ecoffee cup?
So, do you fancy a brew Sunny Thinking style? Contact us to buy one of our cups.
Posted by Jonathan - Sunny Thinking Director and eco-friendly coffee drinker!