Infographics and videos
by Sunny Thinking
The mediums may change over time, but what will never change is the need for audiences to be engaged, excited, inspired and informed in relevant and compelling ways. How can video and infographics help bring a story to life?

Why is there a growing trend for infographics and video?
Infographics and video are nothing new. They’ve been used in one-way or another for many a year. What is interesting is the increasing popularity of them and the effective way they are being used these days to relay a massive variety of messages. Maybe it reflects the way we digest information these days. Do we have less time and want to cut to the chase quicker? Is life more fragmented and we now want information quick as a flash? An obsession with social media and sharing content obviously lends itself to a desire for instant gratification and more image driven information. Think of the amount of messages you're bombarded with daily - which ones do you remember?
Why do infographics and video work?
Infographics can help bring a story to life and videos can work in a different way to complement other activity. If you step back and take stock of some of these little facts it might help explain why:
- 90% of the brain is visual
- Visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text
- We remember 80% of what we see and do, 20% of what we read and only 10% of what we hear
Creative marketing is the golden currency
Infographics and video are just two ways of bringing a message to life. The above facts reinforce the need for clever creative and visual communications in a much wider capacity. As many brands and businesses become very technical driven and arguably their look and feel starts becoming quite generic, it's the ones that still place creativity, branding and visual identity as their golden currency that will continue to blossom. Infographics and video are just two examples of this process - just as are photography, advertising, printed materials, clever copywriting, graphical and writing styles, illustrations etc. Good creative marketing is all about being interesting and relevant to the target market. Infographics and video are just one clever route to excite, engage and enhance your other marketing and communications activity.
How does Sunny Thinking help?
Sunny Thinking help brands and businesses tell their stories and get their message across in compelling ways. The way we do it creatively and the disciplines we use to tell them is the interesting challenge. At the end of the day, every single brief we get is different. Different clients, different messages, different objectives, different brands, different image requirements, different tones of voice, different target audiences, different budgets, different timescales – these are just a few of the factors that make us think long and hard about the creative ideas we’ll deliver and what marketing and communication channels we will consider to tell that specific story.
Our recent report design and video for Regenda Group give a fantastic example of how we used infographics and video to engage with residents and stakeholders and help tell the story of this leading housing organisation. View our work to see how we've been helping our other clients in many different ways.
Got 30 seconds to spare? Watch our own little video and let us know what you think?
Jonathan Reed - Sunny Thinking.