Babies, buggies and sticky things
by Sunny Thinking
There's never a dull moment here @sunnythinkinghq and we love nothing better than launching exciting new projects. In fact, this month has been one of our most exciting and diverse ever. One minute we're helping launch a website for the UK's number one label printer and the next we're surrounded by buggies and pushchairs at the Harrogate International Nursery Fair!

Ruk-bug launches here, there and everywhere
Over two years ago I met Russ Clifton, Managing Director of Ruk-bug. As a young (ish) dad myself with a couple of cheeky little people keeping me busy, I was intrigued by his rather cool little invention. We've all been there as parents and had the odd grumpy moment faced with buggy bothers - beaches, staircases, transport, Houdini trying to escape for a wander. Well imagine having a buggy that you can fold down easily with one hand then carry it like a rucksack so you've got your hands free to keep tabs on your little escapee. Genius. That's Ruk-bug!

Trade launch
We love working with family brands, so like a proud Father/Uncle we were absolutely delighted to be at the birth of Ruk-bug at the Harrogate International Nursery Fair this week. After months of market research and creative development working closely alongside Russ as he developed his dream, we were proud as punch to showcase our bouncy, healthy new brand to the nursery world.
Daddy blogger
Now, is there a part-time career for me as daddy blogger? I'd tried to avoid too many parent blogs myself in the past but to be honest it's got me all feeling rather warm and snuggly again. Although to be fair I think my boots were hung up along time ago if you catch my drift!
Getting sticky with Label Apeel to launch their new website
A slightly longer term relationship is the one we've enjoyed with my old mucker, Stuart Kellock, Owner of Label Apeel. There's many a story to share there, but that's for another time. You already know about our lycra exploits for the Children's Adventure Farm Trust last year and that's enough for now!
On the work front, we've benefitted for many years from working with Stu and his team. Label Apeel have quite rightly won Print Week's prestigious 'Label Printer of the Year Award' for the last two years, and they've helped bring many of our creative ideas to life with their top notch labels (I won't call them stickers!) for the likes of Soreen, William Turner and our Sale FC 1861 beer.
New website for label jedis
Having developed a really successful email marketing strategy for Label Apeel over the last couple of years, we were delighted when they approached us to design their new website. It's an absolute pleasure working with people who are brilliant and passionate about what they do and alongside the rather clever words from Helen from Scribble, we've brought their unique personality and offering to life with a stunning new site, that is fully content managed and fully responsive to boot. Another happy client - which is a good job really considering Stu is about 6.5ft and weighs in at a slim nineteen stone!

So if you fancy getting sticky with us or for us to deliver the birth of your new product or brand why not get in touch with the good folk at @sunnythinkinghq !
P.S. There's not a fool in sight over here - April 1st or any other day for that matter. We're more about ideas by clever people!
Blog by Jonathan Reed - Sunny Thinking